Heavy Duty Root Grapple.
Our heavy duty root grapple is the ideal attachment for your skid steer needs. Whether collecting and removing debris piles, storm clean up, or clearing land this root grapple will do the job. Rated for machines up to 65 horse power. Offering 9″ spacing between the tines this allowing all unwanted debris to fall through. This root grapple also offers 1/2″ steel on the spacer tines, sides, and grapple and a 4″ by 4″ tube frame. This makes it much heavier than our Economy Series Root Grapple, which offers 3/8″ steel on the tines and grapple, and a 3″ by 3″ tube frame.
Heavy Duty Root Grapple Spec.
• 1/2” top and bottom tines.
• 2” bore by 10” stroke welded cylinder.
• Grease fittings at all pivots.
• Cylinder covers.
• Hydraulic lines routed inside tubing for protection.
Rated for machines with up to 65 hp.
Heavy Duty Root Grapple Sizes.
- 66″ -$2,331.00
- 72″ -$2,414.00
- 78″ -$2,497.00
- 84″ -$2,581.00
Heavy Duty Root Grapple Video.
To see our heavy duty root grapple in action please view this ==> video.